It’s been a wonderful summer at the cottage. The weather has been nearly perfect, skies have been blue and the breeze has been blowing. The same can not be said for our Cottage Law website. On or around August 4, 2013 a series of unforeseen events caused our site to simply disappear from the web. There were both human and technical errors, but the end result was that all files and backups were irretrievably erased.
Our web team has spent the last several days painstakingly reconstructing the site and we are happy to relaunch it this afternoon. Unfortunately, any user comments or information added to the site before August 4, 2013 have been lost, including a few useful and informative message threads between David and you. We feel very badly about that.
Our new site has been designed with multiple backup features and redundancies to hopefully prevent ever having another crash like this. The upside to the new site is that it is now mobile friendly, allowing you to access site info easily from your mobile device or tablet. We’ll be tweaking it over the next several weeks to build an even better Cottage Law experience for you. Then, maybe, we’ll have time to go enjoy a few relaxing days at the cottage before summer fades away.
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