The goal of cottage succession planning is to set up legal ground rules that provide the best chance to keep a cottage in the family for future generations. A cottage plan usually addresses concerns through the creative use of a limited liability … [Read more...]
Ten Reasons Why You May Want to Consider a Family Cottage Succession Plan
Incorrect 2017 Notice of Assessment?
Notices of Assessment need to be sent by Townships to homeowners by March 1. PLEASE NOTE, if you believe that your taxable and/or assessed value is incorrect, you may protest to the Local Board of Review, but you have a VERY limited time in which to … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Article
This article quoting Mr. Fry appeared in the Boston Globe on November 25, 2016. … [Read more...]
PUBLIC ACT 310 NOW EFFECTIVE! Public Act 310 of 2014 (HB 5552) was passed and signed by Governor Snyder in October, 2014. This new law created another exemption from the “uncapping” of property values for property tax purposes on transfers of … [Read more...]
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